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Vanessa Stefanova
Created in 2020.
Vanessa decided to make a paining of a moment. Vanessa once had a romance with a guy for years and he stood out from the rest but it didn't work out and she never looked him up again. Vanessa was posting a load of her books in 2020 and I noticed him glancing her way for a noticeable amount of time.
The painting shows a woman made of sand building her life path, her hand moves the bricks away from the direction of the statue, her mind guides it and her legs walk it. Moving forward in every respect. A light river of gossip crosses her path yet not strong enough to move any of the bricks. His statue once sand has turned to glass, decorated with two memories and surrounded with clouds vaguely signifying wolfs which represents his friends. The glass, solidifying his choices, never to catch up with the front of her path ever again.