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Vanessa Stefanova
Created in 2019.
Someone Vanessa know's threw a little disrespect her way to get ahead and to be frank it made her feel a bit shitty for a day and a bit, Vanessa felt like she usually has her mood in check so Vanessa thought this would be a prime opportunity to paint how she felt! Especially (astrology term) since Vanessa's MC is in the sign of Cancer (an emotional sign) which explained to her that if she tap's into emotion then her career would do better as opposed to if she didn't.
Vanessa chose to put waves of lighter shades in the sky because things seemed a bit dizzy, she painted a large window/ doorway because it seemed cold, a bit drafty, rough grounds and floppy arms. Emotional pain causes the same brain response to physical so she painted her arms dropping down as well. The black dots, tears.