Detail Page


Rosi Maria Di Meglio

I approached this work with a spontaneous movement of drawing with willow charcoal sticks, oil solvents and oil paints to begin the underpainting while listening to music and reliving moments, fractions of time in life. This memory is of visiting the marketplace in Jerusalem in 2017, where I stumbled upon three life-sized mechanical tulips outside a public area. I cannot explain why, but these mechanical sculptures left an impression on me, I felt like a kid again filled with wonder and amazement standing under these massive tulips opening and closing with the wind. Experimenting with memory, colour and space to create a kind of flux in movement within the picture plane so that I can be transported back to that time and place.

This artwork is part of the emerging artist portfolio "Young and Bold" curated by Bidgala, a global online art community empowering young creatives in every medium.